Online Recording Session for “Gringa” Film – Latin Percussion

This is one of the tracks from the remote recording sessions I did for the film Gringa--with zesty latin percussion! It was fun layering all of the percussion elements for this. I used congas, shaker, clave, and guiro to build this into a whole percussion ensemble. The score was written by Scott McRae and Ryan Rapsys and I was thrilled to be a part of the music department for this.

When I started playing music, I never got any music production or engineer training. I only studied music theory and how to play the instruments. I still haven't received any formal training for music production and I also know a lot of other musicians that haven't either. These days, with some decent equipment investments, trial and error, and trusting your ears, you can produce professional quality tracks like this. Now wait a minute, there's a bit more to it than that! But, the best part of remote session recordings is that usually you are not the mixer, just the engineer. So the journey is not as difficult as you might think! I will soon be adding videos talking about "how to do remote recording sessions".

Thanks for checking it out!

The gear I used here:
Toca Synergy Congas
Meinl Wood Guiro 
Meinl Artist Series Shaker
LP Aspire Traditional Clave

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